Vanuatu Independence Day

The Republic of Vanuatu celebrates its Independence Day on 30th July.  It is a public holiday that commemorates the country’s independence from the United Kingdom and France in 1980 and became the free nation of Vanuatu.  

Vanuatu is an island nation located in the South Pacific Ocean. The archipelago belongs to Melanesia, along with Solomon Islands, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, and part of Indonesia. 

In 1606, a Spanish expedition landed on the largest island and named the archipelago the Southern Land of the Holy Spirit (La Austrialia del Espiritu Santo), believing they had arrived in Australia. The largest island is still named Espiritu Santo. 

The Spanish tried to establish a settlement, but it was short-lived, and Europeans didn’t return to the islands for over 150 years.  

In 1768 French explorers rediscovered the islands and named them the Great Cyclades after an island group in the Aegean Sea.  

In 1774, the archipelago was visited by British navigator Captain James Cook who named it the New Hebrides. 

At first, the majority of the islands’ population was made up of British subjects who had arrived from Australia, but in the 1880s, French became the majority. In the early 20th century, the British were outnumbered by the French by two to one.  

France and the UK reached an agreement and began to administer the New Hebrides jointly, establishing the British-French Condominium. It was a unique form of government because each country imposed a separate governmental system, and the only touch point was a joint court. 

The rise of nationalism in the New Hebrides was triggered by the arrival of Americans during World War II, who impressed islanders with their relative wealth and informal habits. In the 1960s, there was a disagreement between Britain and France concerning the decolonization of the islands: the British wanted to let the New Hebrides go, whereas France was afraid that their independence would make New Caledonia want to split, too. 

After World War II, the desire for independence became strong, and in 1970 a peaceful, politically organised push for independence began. A decade later the dream became a reality. The islanders established the first political party. Originally named the New Hebrides National Party, it was renamed the Vanua’aku Party in 1974. Thus the New Hebrides declared independence on July 30, 1980 as the Republic of Vanuatu. 

Vanuatu Independence Day is widely celebrated throughout the country. The biggest celebrations take place in Port Vila, the capital of Vanuatu. This is a very important day that attracts thousands of people to witness the flag raising ceremony along with other important activities.  

Celebrations in Vanuatu begin in the afternoon and continue all night into the early hours of the next morning. They occur all over the entire archipelago and include such things as ceremonial flag-raising, military parades, traditional dancing, magic shows, drinking “kava,” face-painting, dressing in traditional clothes, and sporting competitions, such as yacht and canoe races in the harbour. 

Happy Independence Day Vanuatu! 


Te Maeva Nui


Leali’ifano Dr Albert L Refiti awarded a Museum Medal