International Earth Day


Since its inception fifty years ago in the United States, Earth Day has raised awareness for environmental concerns and charged people with being active against pollution, toxic waste, supporting sustainability, recycling and more. Earth Day became a way for smaller groups to unite and rally, all with the focus of lifting environmental issues onto the world stage, and ultimately to preserving the planet.  

As we move through 2022 Earth Day is particularly relevant to our Pacific region that is at the very forefront of climate impacts. Many of our islands face precarious futures. Families struggle with rising sea levels, pollution, changing weather patterns and the harvesting of materials being taken offshore by other countries. A region easily forgotten on the world stage, Pacific activists continue to rise up, and fight to be heard amongst the big nations. 

Tuvalu, one of our smallest nations, sold their .tv url in order to raise money for an annual seat at the United Nations. Their sole focus was to raise awareness of climate impacts on their atolls. This was 22 years ago. The fight continues, with many young Pasifika taking up the baton and continuing to raise attention to the plight of the Pacific Islands. To view the particularly compelling documentary, The Sinking of Tuvalu, below.  

The NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade has supported the production of two other documentaries through Massey University film students. Subject to Change is about environmental change in the Pacific.

Vaka focuses on the islands of Tokelau and how their people are adapting to climate challenges through innovative use of technology.  

Pacific Cooperation Foundation campaign Pacific Voices features young Pacific Climate Change activists from across the diaspora – all doing their best to fight for their islands. The aim is to continue to raise awareness about young Pacific activists and their work. It is to shine a light on climate change – lifting the Pacific narrative using Pacific Voices. To read more about Pacific Voices click here, or follow PCF’s Facebook and Instagram

To find out more about Earth Day and the global initiatives you can support click here.  



Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon Aupito William Sio to attend Our Ocean Conference in Palau


Minister Mahuta and Prime Minister Bainimarama sign the Duavarta Agreement