PMPYA: PCF International Scholar Award Winner
Source: Ministry for Pacific Peoples
The Prime Minister’s Pacific Youth Awards 2022 featured an incredible group of young Pacific people recognised for excelling in their chosen fields.
Pacific Cooperation Foundation are the sponsors of the International Scholar Award which recognises a young person who epitomises the strong positive relationship between Aotearoa New Zealand and the Pacific Islands through their leadership, community service (both Aotearoa New Zealand and Pacific home nation) and academic performance.
The recipient of this year’s International Scholar Award is, Mele 'Ofa-Ki-Vila Mafi. Hailing from the Kingdom of Tonga, Mele is studying toward a Bachelor of Engineering degree at Auckland University. She also works as an undergraduate transport engineer for AECOM and as a research assistant for the Faculty of Engineering in the Conjuctive Water Allocation Modelling Framework for New Zealand.
In her third year of study, this former Head Girl and Dux of Tonga High School, hasn’t been home to Tonga for three years. Instead she chose to persevere through Covid-19 lockdowns and uncertainty, focusing on her studies.
PCF congratulations this young Pacific leader for her hard work and also for her future endeavours as she paves the way for other young Pacific people to look towards careers in the engineering sector.
“Fa’afetai tele lava for being role models to other Pacific young people and for setting a precedent of excellence for them to follow – the future of Pacific Aotearoa is very bright indeed”