Brianna Fruean
Brianna’s fight for climate change started at a young age. She followed her instinct to protect and give back to the land and villages that nurtured and raised her.
One of the greatest lessons Brianna learned through fa’asamoa is the importance of balance, especially between culture and nature. The two “must work in equal service with each other,” with people giving back to the Earth just as much as they take from it.
“It is now time to prove that we are worthy caretakers of this beautiful planet and I think our youth have the force to lead this change. We as youth may not hold all the power or money in the world but we have something more valuable in my opinion and that is passion.”
Brianna believes that young people are the future of the environmental movement, they just need the confidence in their own power to create change. Today, she visits schools to educate young people about climate change and encourages them to get involved in climate action. She finds that many of the children she encounters care about the environment, but are wary about how they can make a difference.
‘E pala ma’a ae le pala upu - even rocks may decay but words are everlasting' - In the Pacific, we are not drowning. We are fighting. Brianna stands to say that Pacific Islanders are more than victims, we are warriors against climate change.