Lagi-Maama ‘Tok Stori Tuesdays’ 2022: Pitcairn with the ‘Ahu Sistas
The Pacific Cooperation Foundation was delighted for the second year to partner with the Lagi-Maama Academy and Consultancy in the delivery of ‘Arts of Moana Oceania’ - ‘Tok Stori Tuesdays’ - Phase III’, 2022 series.
This incredible series featured epistemologists / knowledge holders from the Pitcairn Islands, Tahiti, Banaba, Nauru and First Nations Australia.
In online forums participants were honoured to hear directly from Moana Oceania’s epistemologists on ‘what art is' from their indigenous knowledge and perspective. For many Pacific Islands the word ‘art’ is not a word that exists in our indigenous languages and therefore the framework of ‘art’ itself is a westernised concept that many non-western people are forced to conform to. The Tok Stori Tuesdays series explores this space and applies our own Pacific lens to expression. It is ‘our way of being’.
Lagi-Maama have now documented this series to share, with the first release being Pitcairn Island. Pitcairn Islander Meralda Warren, supported by her ‘Ahu Sistas – Norfolk Islanders Jean Clarkson, Sue Pearson and Dr Pauline Reynolds.
The very special first episode is featured below. Meralda speaks from Pitcairn and shares her creative journey with us, interweaving aspects of influence from her Bounty ancestors and the Tahitian women that came with them.
“Art is what I use to express myself and what I use to show people what I do and where I come from. It helps me to portray my inner Pitcairn self and to share my culture which is steeped in Bounty history and of our Pitcairn people who have at times struggled to live on this small and isolated island.”
The episodes often concluded with thought provoking discussion about the subject matters presented and provided a space where many Pacific cultures could come together to celebrate similarities and differences.
“I really appreciated the space that Lagi Maama gave for the ‘Ahu Sistas and also for the audience to engage with us. The questions were really thought provoking and have given me a lot to think about since then. I particularly appreciated the theme, because it really underlined the value of Pacific artists”
We are delighted to share the first episode below:
L to R - ‘Ahu Sistas Jean Clarkson and Sue Pearson