PCF - A New Future Direction
Image credit @connorbisset
The Pacific Cooperation Foundation has embarked on a new voyage that will steer its course in a new Future Direction.
It’s been 19 years since PCF came into being. Along the way, the organisation has forged a valuable path in strengthening Aotearoa New Zealand’s relationship and understanding of the Pacific region.
For nearly two decades, our work had been across a broad range of areas, from economic development to academic research and publications, human rights, media training to cultural preservation, IT training to international and domestic internships and Pacific leaders’ lectures to major regional conferences and meetings.
Along the way, we have partnered with the government, private sector and communities to deliver our work. Over the years, we’ve seen the growth of other organisations and industries that have taken on our collective mahi.
For the last 18 months, the PCF Board of Trustees has taken the organisation through a transition to ensure PCF remains relevant and valuable for its work. In doing so, we have our new Vision, Mission and Strategic Objectives in place.
New Vision
Resilient and Prosperous Pacific peoples’ mana is enriched by fair and respectful relationships across Aotearoa New Zealand & the Pacific region
New Mission
To provide platforms for Pacific voices and expertise and be a respected partner in reimagining the Pacific narrative
New Strategic Objectives
Strengthen Aotearoa New Zealand’s identity as a Pacific nation.
Reframe and strengthen relationships and mana across all Pacific nations.
Amplify independent Pacific Voices and expertise.
To deliver the above Mission and Strategic Objectives, PCF will undertake the following activities in the future:
Research and Monitoring – Commissioning, monitoring and acting as a clearing house for research and opinion pieces on strategic Pacific – Aotearoa New Zealand issues and opportunities.
Advocacy and Insight – Providing insights, advocating views and advising on strategic Pacific – Aoteroa New Zealand issues and opportunities.
Promotion – Communicating and promoting the roles and contributions of Pacific peoples, organisations and communities and the outcomes delivered.
Strategic Partnerships – Building partnerships and networks with and across organisations and groups that can contribute to and build capacity for the platforms of Pacific voices.
The new mahi has begun with some exciting new projects being delivered this year.
PCF welcomes the opportunity to engage with the public and private sector and civil society on our new voyage as we steer our vaka to an exciting new future beyond the horizon.
For more information, contact David Vaeafe, Project Manager, david.vaeafe@pcf.org.nz