Joanna Bourke Joanna Bourke

About Town with PCF

Images courtesy of PCF. If you wish to use the iamgees please make sure you credit Pacific Coperation Foundation

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Joanna Bourke Joanna Bourke

Engaging the Pacific: Reflections on the Pacific Symposium 2024 - Navigating Geostrategic Competition in the Pacific

The NZ Institute of International Affairs Pacific Symposium 2024 highlighted the complexities of international politics and geostrategic competition in the Pacific. PCF is proud to have co-sponsored this symposium, contributing to critical discussions that align with our mission to strengthen identity, deepen relationships, and amplify Pacific voices.

We invite our Pacific kainga to join the conversation and view the recorded sessions on our YouTube channel, and contribute to the ongoing dialogue on navigating geostrategic competition in the Pacific.

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