Incredible Pacific Lineup for Queen’s Birthday Honours


Over the Queen’s Birthday Weekend, as the world celebrated the Jubilee, the 2022 Honours List was made public. With eighteen Pacific people honoured this year it is an incredible example of how Pacific people serve and give back to their communities.

Heading the list is Dr Collin Tukuitonga. Hailing from the village of Alofi in Nuie, Dr Tukuitonga began his career training and working in the Islands before moving to New Zealand in 1987. Since then he has served in the Public Health sector serving people across the Pacific region in roles such as Director General of the Pacific Community in New Caledonia and is the former Chief Executive for the Ministry of Pacific Peoples. He is the founder of The Fono, the inaugural Associate Dean (Pacific) at Auckland University’s Faculty of Medical and Health Science. He is a former and original Board Member of the Pacific Cooperation Foundation.

Credit: Twitter


One of the roles that Dr Tukuitonga is most well know for is an advocate for Pacific people, especially during SARs and most recently during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Dr Tukuitonga has worked tirelessly for Pacific people in this space over the last two years and has provided much reassurance to the communities he serves. Congratulations to Dr Tukuitonga and to all of the recipients listed below:


  • Dr Collin Fonotau Tukuitonga, for services to Pacific and public health


  • Mr Luteru Ross Poutoa Taylor, for services to cricket and Pacific communities


  • Mr Fa'afetai Jonathan Lemalu, for services to opera

  • Mrs Bridget Snedden, for services to people with learning disabilities


  • Mrs Melegalenu’u Ah Sam, for services to Pacific language education

  • Mr Les Lehi Tenise Atoni, for services to the Tokelau community

  • Mrs Sandra (Sandy) Borland, for services to nursing and the Pacific community

  • Mr Siaosi (George) Fa’alogo, for services to the New Zealand Police and the community

  • Mr Matthew Faafetai Malietoa (Mataio) Brown, for services to mental health and the prevention of family violence

  • Dr Linita Manu’atu, for services to Pacific education and the Tongan community

  • Ms Kiriovea Jasmin McSweeney, for services to the film industry

  • Mrs Tolupene (Neta) Peau, for services to the Tokelau community

  • Mr Bill Urale, for services to music and the community


  • Ms Gabrielle-Sisifo Makisi, for services to Pacific communities and education

  • Reverend Vaelua Salafai Mika, for services to church ministry and the Samoan community

  • Reverend Hiueni Nuku, for services to Tongan and Pacific communities

  • Mrs Vaipou Saluni, for services to education and the Pacific community

  • Mr Luther Alafia Toloa, QPM, JP, for services to the Pacific community



Samoa Language Week Celebrations


Governor General Vice Regal-Patron of PCF